
网赌上分平台 faculty are responsible for important breakthroughs in the treatment of Lyme disease, 创新方式加强网络安全, and significant improvements in medical devices – among many others.


Some of the most cited – and most influential – research produced at the 网赌上分平台 is the result of its 网络取证研究和教育小组, 哪一个, 在成立仅仅两年的时间里, has quickly risen to become one of the top such research labs in the world.

该集团, 由学生和教师组成, has been published extensively in such publications and conferences as the 数字调查杂志, 数字法医研究工作坊, 以及国际可用性会议, 可靠性, 及保安(ARES). 的 research lab also hosted the National Conference on Digital Forensics.

该实验室是第一个创建开源工具无人机的实验室, 大疆无人机, 哪些已经被外部实体使用. 的 神器基因组计划, 由该集团于今年夏天推出, is a centralized hub meant to connect forensics specialists around the globe so that they can share digital information and learn from one another.


  • ASOS是李博士创立的研究实验室的缩写. Gokhan Egilmez. ASOS这个词的灵感来自这座著名的城市, 亚朔, 亚里士多德创立第一所学院的地方, “阿索斯学院”, 哪一个目前位于Çanakkale市, 火鸡. 事实上, each letter represents the broad research area that we work on, 即:A:分析, S:可持续发展, O:优化, S:模拟.

  • 的 lab provides leadership in bringing together the engineering field and the medical community to solve challenges and improve human health.

  • 的 lab designs biomass conversion catalysts, cancer-therapeutic drugs, and drug delivery vehicles. 

  • 的 Community Oriented 研究 (CORE) Lab was founded in 2017 and is located within the Community Psychology department, 由研究生和本科生组成.

  • 的 think tank has uncovered vulnerabilities in social apps used by billions of people and have brought together engineers and the law enforcement community to improve cyber security.

  • LASER prepares talents for software engineering leadership and professional careers and for advanced studies.

  • 在过去十年中, 网赌上分平台 researchers and students have made significant progress in developing treatments and working toward a cure for Lyme disease.

  • 的 电力与能源系统研究实验室(PESRLAB) is a multidisciplinary center focused on carrying out leading-edge research, 发展合作伙伴关系, and educating highly qualified graduate students in the areas of power and energy systems. 的 mission of the Power and Energy Systems 研究 Laboratory is to design the next generation of resilient and sustain able power and energy systems that integrate emerging energy technologies and distributed energy resources.

    的 Power and Energy Systems 研究 Laboratory is engaged in the latest state-of-the-art research activities, covering a wide range of applied and fundamental research projects in several areas of power engineering, 如:

    • Control, Operation, Planning, and Stability of Power and Energy Systems
    • Power Electronics and Power Conversion Applications in Power and Energy Systems
    • 高压工程
    • 电动汽车和铁路
    • 智能电网和分布式发电
    • 先进电机及传动
    • 运营电力市场分析
    • 电力和能源系统的保护和安全
    • 可靠性 and Risk Evaluation of Power and Energy Systems

    For more information, visit our website through the link below:

  • 纱丽(安全 & ARtificial Intelligence) research lab is the ultimate space for students and professors to work on research projects together! 的 lab aims at fostering students’ interest and participation in research projects.

    Our research objectives are centered around the following thrusts:

    • 建立更具弹性的物联网系统模型, cloud and wireless sensor technology toward cyber-attacks using cryptography, 人工智能(AI), 数据分析.
    • 逆向工程,恶意软件分析,网络取证.
    • AI security and trustworthiness, and AI applications in cybersecurity.

    We believe in actively engaging students and pursuing research that encourage diversity and inclusion. "我们领导实验室,我们建立实验室文化".

    SARI由Dr. 哈尔和博士. 吗哪. For more information, visit our website through the link below.

  • 的 Secure and Assured Intelligent Learning (SAIL) lab works towards laying concrete foundations for the safety and security of intelligent machines with both theoretical and engineering perspectives. 我们的研究旨在建立全面的模型, 指标, 框架, 以及分析工具, 实现, 以及减少人工智能系统中的有害行为.

  • 的 Translating Outstanding Performance in Skilled Nursing Facilities (TOP SNF) research project is funded by the National Institute of 健康, 国家老龄研究所(资助号:1R15AG067456-01A1). Our study aims to learn directly from skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) about strategies to optimize outcomes in the growing population of patients admitted to SNFs following hospitalization.

  • UNHcFREG's Vision: To become a national and international renowned multi-disciplinary research group in Cyber Forensics Science.

  • 的 WE实验室 is a working group of public health professionals and students that focuses on issues around the sociocultural factors associated with body image dissatisfaction, 饮食失调, 以及相关的问题.

  • 的 research group brings together students who have a passion for research in different areas of wired and wireless networking.